Creating a Kitchen Office Nook
Last week I told you about my plans to put in a kitchen office nook. While we have a small second bedroom in our apartment, Shaun has his desk in there, plus a couch and some other basic storage (ok, it kind of serves as a giant storage closet for now). Currently, I have no real place to store my Macbook, magazines, mail, paperwork or cookbooks and I'm in dire need of one. We have a small space on one side of the kitchen that could not only use some sprucing up, but could also serve as the perfect spot for my little office nook!
When I pitched my idea to Shaun, he completely agreed that I needed a space for my things and an official desk for blogging and other projects. The nook will go to the left side of the kitchen where we have an empty wall. Currently, that space looks like this:
It's fine, but not exactly the most space-efficient. We barely use the butcher block for what it's worth since we installed a kitchen island (pics to come!) and right now it sloppily holds only a fraction of my cookbooks.
Here's the plan:
Put in a small, sleek desk that will match the white laquered cabinets. I found this MICKE desk from Ikea which is the perfect size and the price is right.
Install 2 staggered floating shelves which will house my cookbooks for easy access. I can also use this space for a few photo frames and perhaps a small decorative basket to hold my dish towels and pot holders (which currently reside in the butcher block). I like these white LACK shelves from Ikea for just $19.99 a pop.
Though the desk has some storage, I'd love to install a letter tray or wall letter holder. It's decorative and functional. And that I love. This one from The Container Store is my favorite as of late.
My computer will sit in the middle of the desk, but I'll need some other accessories including an industrial-style desk lamp like this one from CB2.
I also plan to make a DIY dry erase board for blog ideas, notes, grocery lists, etc. I'll keep you in the loop on how I get 'er done, but I already purchased a large Ribba frame from Ikea this weekend which will serve as the base!
Lastly, I'll need a good chair. For now, I'll use a red rolling chair that we already own, and one that will match my red kitchen. I plan to get a better one at some point, but for now, this will do!
So there you have it. My plans for a kitchen office nook. I'm so excited about this! I already have some of the supplies, now it's just a matter of building and hanging. I'll keep you posted as the project rolls around!
Questions of the Day:
Do you have a personal space that's all your own?
What's your favorite part of it?
Any suggestions for my kitchen office nook?

Reader Comments (4)
sounds really cute! i do have my own little space in the office in our house, but honestly, i rarely use it. i usually just pick up my laptop + set up shop on the couch or in a cozy chair. not as efficient that way (as i usually have stuff scattered all around me) but more comfy than the office chair. =)
Can I just say I'm in love with that white folder holder?! Ahh so cute! Good luck on your nook creation!
LOVE! can't wait to see it all put together!
How fun! I love little projects like this! Also, I am in love with your kitchen. The end.