Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Leaving on a jet plane + scary movies

I'm at it once again.

I'm traveling! This time, I'm heading to Orlando for work. Not to be confused with my recent trip to Las Vegas for work or my trip to Spain and my trip to Switzerland for pleasure. I think 2011 is the year of travel for me. Aside from my trip today, I'm also heading to my favorite place on Earth, Aruba, in August (for vacation!) and Albequerque, New Mexico in October (any readers out there?). It's all good things, but it can certainly be an exhausting one! Of course, my favorite trips are those that revolve around the food.

Last night, I whipped up a dinner for one. In 20 minutes, I had a nutritious and delicious quickie dinner. First, I made up some quinoa. In a separate sauce pan, I boiled some baby carrots and frozen broccoli for like 3-4 minutes. Then I dunked them in some ice water to stop the cooking. I tossed the veggies and the quinoa with my favorite stir fry sauce, House of Tsang Classic Stir Fry Sauce. Yummy!


Since Shaun was out, I had the big screen all to myself (score!). I rewatched True Blood from Sunday night (obvi) and then noticed that The Ring was next up on the schedule. I'm not going to lie. Shaun and I saw this in theaters years and years ago and I swear, I was terrified to drive home alone from his house later that night. This movie was so beyond ridiculous and unrealistic, but I found it to be sooooo scary. I mean, honestly, how could you not be scared by this??

Ok, I found an even scarier Ring image than this, but I couldn't even look at it myself, so I spared you.

Luckily, I switched to Date Night instead. Tina gets me every time (oh and I'm reading Bossypants right now, and it rocks the house!).


It got me thinking about all the scary movies that I've seen over the years. I'm typically more of a romantic comedy kind of girl (and ones that I can watch on loop include You've Got Mail and The Proposal, naturally).

My Scariest Movie List:

Child's Play - When I was a kid, I walked into the living room (way past my bedtime!) and my parents were watching this. I guess it was a cool movie in the 80s? I only caught a glimpse, but I was scarred (and scared) for life.

The Sixth Sense - ahhhhhh! Seems so silly now, but I saw it on the night it premiered - the woman in the kitchen? the boy with the bloody head? I thought it was super scary!

The Ring - obviously

Scream - I know it's so cheesy, but I was a virgin scary movie watcher before this one! It was the first scary film I ever willingly watched.

The Shining - Eek! Those creepy twins in the hallway? Red Rum? All work and no play make Jack a dull boy? And don't even get me started on Shelley Duvall's teeth. Creeeeeps!

Dexter, season 4 - I know it's television, but the fourth season of Dexter, which featured John Lithgow as The Trinity Killer, still has me checking over my shoulder when I'm walking alone and checking the bathrooms and under the bed if I arrive home solo. Ack.

I think that covers the ones that stand out to me. And now I'm really wishing that our glass terrace door had a full shade over it. What about you? What are some of the scariest movies you've ever seen?

Reader Comments (9)

I didn't know you were going to Florida! How long?? For what??

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

Kimberly, yes! I'm leaving today, coming back Saturday morning. Going to visit a prospective client - will tell you all about it soon!

July 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

omggggg seriously, the ring is the scariest movie ever. when she comes out of the tv...it gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

I am very sensitive to scary movies so I never watch them...but did see Child's Play when I was 7 and haven't been the same since. As an adult, dolls still freak me OUT.

I am not a fan of scary movies lol I always end up with nightmares! I am LOVING Bossypants! I can not stop laughing when I read it.

I don't watch scary movies. At all. But I did love The Proposal as well! And then proceeded to watch it again with practically everyone I knew.

OH MY GOSH, The Ring disturbed me. so much. I'm not very easily scared by your typical scary movie, but creepy images disturb me. I remember being afraid to open closets for a while in fear I'd find someone all ring-ed out. eeesshhh.

You have to the International Balloon Fiesta if you're in Albuquerque the first week in October (1-9)! Seriously, HUNDREDS of hot air balloons all in the sky at the same time. It's INCREDIBLE! And in the evening, they blow up the balloons so there are hundred foot tall luminaries everywhere. It's so much fun. http://www.balloonfiesta.com/

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMargie

I used to love scary movies - the thrill was awesome. Now that I'm more on my own, I stay away from them...I have a hard enough time sleeping sometimes. LOL!

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterParita

I'll be honest...I don't watch scary movies anymore. I used to once in a while---the realistic ones freaked me out the most. Amityville Horror scarred me for life when I saw it in 4th grade!

Have fun on your travels! I'm traveling a lot this summer too (5 trips)...it can be a pain (work-related trips anyway), but the food part is usually fun!

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

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