Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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« Things I'm Loving | Main | How I Spent My Birthday, Part I: BLT Steak »

How I Spent My Birthday, Part II: Eating Red Velvet Cake + Napping in a Pool Float

While Shaun and I spent Friday evening at BLT Steak & eating Magnolia Bakery cupcakes, we also had a joint birthday celebration on Sunday at my parent's house for my dad and me. My dad's birthday was last week as well so the whole fam thought that a day lounging by the pool and of course eating lots of delicious food would be in order. My sister Kimberly, who is getting down to the wire with studying for the bar, even made a special trip home to be there! (You may also check out her guest post about law school here).

To kick off the day, we snacked on cheese and crackers (the green one is infused with wasabi!)...

...and my healthified version of pizza dip & tortilla chips!

Of course a celebration wouldn't be complete without a Skinnygirl margarita! I'm recycling this photo from our anniversary celebration...

After snacks, I parked myself on a lounge chair in the sun for about 5 minutes before I was hot enough to jump right into the pool!

I spent most of the day laying - and drifting in and out of naps - on a float in the pool. It was exactly how I wanted to spend the day!

Before dinner, we also watched some of the women's World Cup game (actually the rest of my family watched the whole thing while I was pooling it up! I just caught the end)...

We also had some special guests. A nest of baby birds right outside my parents back door! Can you spot them waiting for food?

Little Chloe was already tuckered out by this point...

...that is, until dinner was served! My mom made a feast of braised short ribs, sauteed corn & zucchini, and spaghetti squash. It was deeelish!

For dessert, Mom baked a 3-layer, homemade red velvet cake which she topped with joint candles for Dad and me.

Look at that gorgeous red!

Filled and coated with cream cheese frosting, it was hands down one of the best cakes I've ever had! Thanks Mom!

I may have also enjoyed a slice at home later that night while watching True Blood.

We also divvied up some Crumbs cupcakes, which I had saved from my birthday celebration at work on Friday. Crumbs are my fave <3

Shaun and I rolled ourselves home and collapsed on the couch. It was such a nice day, filled with family, fun and food. It was exactly how I wanted to round out my birthday weekend!

So what do you think? What's your favorite way to spend your birthday? Or any summer weekend?

Reader Comments (14)

I would quite happily sink my entire face into your mums homemade cake,its looks so yummy! I have never seen a picture of your sister Kimberly but You and Christine really look like your dad,he looks really young for his age as well :D

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelzie

I'm thinking I'd love to spend my birthday by that pool!! Sounds like you enjoyed a relaxing, fun birthday weekend. I'm with you on those crumb cupcakes! Yum!!

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

Oo I want some wasabi cheese! Where did you get it?

Your birthday celebration (part 2) looked grand!

My perfect birthday is husband+family+pierogi+banana cream pie. Perfection.

i love napping in the pool!

mmm...more cake please!

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

looks like we might need your mom's cake recipe! :)

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteralex

That cake looks delicious - sometimes I think the best part of birthdays is having someone else (usually my mother) cook for me! Glad you had a great day and can't wait to see how your 30 before 30 progress goes! I have no doubt that you will achieve all of your goals!

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLauraJayne

What a perfect day! I want a huge piece of your mom's red velvet cake. I actually don't really like Crumbs, I wish I did:-)

Ok, how do I get my hands on this so called pizza dip?

Looks like you guys all had so much fun! I wish I was able to be there instead of sitting in 8 hours of traffic hahaa

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

Woops, I meant to link to the pizza dip recipe! You can find it here:

For this one, I used low fat ingredients to lighten it up a bit!

Stine bean, we missed you so much!!! xoxo

July 19, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

That cake is gorgeous! What a perfect day!
And happy belated! :)

Another perfect day with perfect people. I like the post about the pierogies. On my list too.
What a nice afternoon. Would have been better if USA won though.
I totally forgot the cake is still here.

July 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSandy

I haven't been reading blogs recently and I missed all of your bday posts! :( I did read them late though and it really looks like you had a lot of food and a lot of fun! Everything looks so yummy and you are just beaming. You look extra happy! I would be too if I had a homemade red velvet! YUM!

My favorite way to spend my birthday (which I just did yesterday) is to go to my local day spa. It's HUGE and bonus...it's free on your birthday. I go every year! I just sit by the pool and read, nap, and have a mud bath to end my day. Then, of course...dinner somewhere yummy!

YAY July birthdays!

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