On Waiting for Things to Happen
Last night I skipped the gym. I had a plan to go last night. I really did. But I broke the plan. The weather was pure perfection. I could only think of one place to be...my terrace! I brought my MacBook outside and nestled in for some quality blogging and blog reading.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how so much in life is spent waiting for things to happen.
Waiting to grow up. Waiting to get to high school. Waiting to go to college. Waiting to get a job. Waiting to get another, better job. Waiting for The One. Waiting to make money. Waiting to find the perfect home.
And it’s not only the big milestones in life. I find myself oftentimes just waiting for things to get done. That if my den is a mess long enough, it will magically tidy itself. That the battery in my Crest Spinbrush will repower itself. Or that the laundry that’s been sitting in a pile next to my bed for days will put itself away. Why am I surprised when I come home from work and it’s still there?
I have news for you. Wait and wait and these things won’t get done. Not the dishes. Not the laundry. The perfect home won’t find you. That friend that you’ve been meaning to email might not get around to it on their end either.
It’s easy to wait around. It’s easy to to wait for things to happen on their own. Trust me, I know. When I look at the last few (and by few, I mean 7) years since college, I think I’ve spent a lot of time waiting around. For the perfect job. For my apartment to be painted warm and inviting colors instead of stark white. For the right number in the corner of my pay stub. For a magical opportunity to leverage my passion for writing. For opportunities to fall in my lap while still paying the bills. For weight to melt off of my body.
I had an ‘Aha!’ moment a few days ago while sitting in my parents' kitchen. My mom and I were talking about things in life...where I’m at, what’s going on. And she said that I can do anything I want. That I just have to do it. And only I can do it for myself.
I don’t want to wait for things to happen anymore.
I want to make things happen.
I’m going to make things happen.
It’s the beginning of the summer. I’m turning 29 in just a couple of weeks. Instead of waiting for all the things I want in life to happen to me, I’m going to start making them happen for myself and for those around me! I can’t wait for my 29th year. It’s going to be a great one. Stay tuned for a fun 30 by 30 post that I’ve been working on and can’t wait to share with you!
So what about you? Have you played the waiting game?
Reader Comments (11)
I love the idea of 30 by 30! My 28th birthday is in a couple of weeks and I'm doing the reflective thing too. It's funny how almost 30 used to sound so old...
I am for sure playing the waiting game. I do it all the time - work, home, traveling. I think I'm always looking forward to something else instead of enjoying today. Case and point - I cannot get to next week fast enough to find out the baby's gender. Just thinking like that alone makes me miss the important changes that are happening day by day. I need to be more present. I love this post.
I just found your blog, and it was the perfect day to do so! This post is so where I am at right now...waiting for a job, waiting to meet people in a new city....you know how it goes.
Can't wait to see your 30 by 30!
Love this post so much! I can't wait to see all that you plan to do by your 30th birthday!
This is so true - I had this moment two years ago, when I decided to go back to school for my Master's degrees! I realized that I could work in sales forever, and make the $ I was making, but that I'd always be waiting for something better or waiting for the right time to pursue my dreams! It's been quite a process (rocky) and I'm not there yet, but I'm getting there! Can't wait for your 30 by 30 - I have a suspicion that we'll have a lot in common!
Rachel, you're SO right. I needed to hear this.. we're always waiting for something, aren't we?
I've been trying hard to follow the "MAKE your own happiness" rule.. and I'm making the changes in my life to make myself happy. It kinda goes along with what you're saying. Get things done; be happy! :)
Love this post.
great post! I've found that reading blogs (like yours!) really inspires me to get up and do things. I love seeing what people are doing, eating, cooking, accomplishing.
but...I'm heartbroken! those clothes are still going to be in a pile on my floor when I get home?!?
woohoo! i love 30 by 30 posts. joy the baker is doing an awesome one! can't wait to read yours :)
totally agree!! sometimes i feel naive to think I can do whatever I want and be whatever I want - but that is how I feel!! I felt that way with playing soccer in college and I felt that way all through law school - now I just need to put that motto into all the other aspects of my life as well!
yes yes yes! i love this post so much. GO RACHEL!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
p.s. I have been meaning to e-mail you. ;)
p.p.s. i wish i was sitting your kitchen with sandcann talking life talk too!!!
awesome! i LOVED this post!!! you totally can do anything you want to - what a great AHA moment to have had. can't wait to read more about your successes :) (and yes i am still lurking here and there!!!).