Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Under the Weather

You may have noticed that there has not been a lot of food on the blog this week. Well don't hold your breath because today is no different. I have refused to get in the kitchen all week. My super star husband has taken over in that department. It's all because I've been feeling super under the weather since Monday at 2:05pm.

Yep, I know the exact minute. It started with a slight...and I mean slight...sore throat. Most of the time, something like this leads to nothing. I chalk it up to extremely poor air quality in this area. Not only do I work 10 blocks north of the World Trade Center site, but I take public transportation twice a day and my apartment is right near a major highway, filled with car fumes. Hmph. I'm just rethinking my living/working situation for a moment...

Anyhow, I just had a bad feeling that it was the beginning of not-so-muchness in the healthy department.

And I was right. By Monday evening, it felt as though my sinuses had launched a full-blown attack on my cheekbones and eyeballs. And it's lasted ever since. I'm not sure if it's allergies (apparently pollen levels are off the charts, though I'm more of a mold-spore kind of girl. Sexy), a cold, or a sinus infection. I'm thinking sinus infection because it feels awfully similar to ones I've had in the past. Like a tiny bar of weights is sitting across the middle of my face. It's not pretty. It's not fun.

The only difference is that the last 2 sinus infections I've had in the last 3 years have followed some major life changes for me. A post-stressful, anxiety ridden release perhaps? You know how your immune system holds up when it knows it needs to, but then once your big event or change passes by, suddenly your defenses are down? My last 2 illnesses fell 2 weeks after my 2008 wedding in Aruba (and this one was a real doozy, folks)...


...and following my job change in 2009. I literally felt it happening on my last day at my last job. I had taken a week off in between employments, and I was sick the.entire.time. Ruining our Jersey shore getaway. I still went, but I was a giant, boogery complainer the entire time. Shaun was thrilled. Sucky.

Anyhow, I am definitely not in any major life change this week. I am, however, planning a nice big party for Shaun's birthday this weekend! I have so much cooking and cleaning to do that I'm hoping to be back in full action by tomorrow. Until then, I'll be praying to the sinus lords to please spare the inflammation in my face and head, just for the weekend. I'll also be continuing the following regimen:

A healthy breakfast. I'm still smoothie-ing it up. Somehow I feel like a green monster is just the ticket to fighting sickness.


Mucinex D. This is a miracle worker for me. This version of Mucinex relieves nasal congestion and inflammation, always my foe. While it doesn't quite get me to 100%, 1 dose certainly helps me at least breathe. And sometimes, that's all I'm asking for. I will warn you though, it leaves me with terrible dry mouth, which is almost as uncomfortable as the sinus issue. Almost.


Neti Potting. I brought out the big guns this time around. I was a little terrified uneasy about using this thing because it seems so...icky. But when you can't breathe and are desperate, suddenly running fluid through your nasal passages doesn't seem so terrible. I'm still getting the hand of it, but so far, it's at least helped me sleep at night.


Tissues. I've been carrying around a box with me. It's hot. And I look cool. Don't judge.


Steamy showers. I love taking burning hot showers to help clear my sinuses. All that steam is...perfection. I could live in there.

Getting back to the gym. I took off Tuesday and Wednesday but since I don't want to lose all the good work I've been doing, I'm going to try and push myself to a light workout this evening.

So there you have it. An honest rundown of what I've been up to this week. Since sinus infections and allergies are not contagious, I have still been heading into work, though I must admit at times I felt so badly that I wanted to run home. So what about you? What are your tips for getting healthy when feeling under the weather?

Note: I am the farthest thing from a medical professional and have an unhealthy habit of self-diagnosing. If you are sick and need treatment, please consult a medical professional. Thanksssss.

Reader Comments (13)

Sorry you're sick! Seems like there's something going around.

When I'm sick, I like a Hot Toddy (don't judge - it will clear your sinuses and help you sleep!), peanut butter toast, and some serious rest.

Fele better soon!

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaura @ S2theT

Oh I hope you feel better soon and are back to normal for your husband's party! Can't wait to hear about the festivities:-)

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLauren at Keep It Sweet

Laura, I've actually never had a Hot Toddy! Perhaps I will try that this evening!

April 28, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

Ugh sinus infections are the WORST. I get at least one a year typically (although managed to escape this past winter infection free, YAY!) and I highly recommend seeing a doctor just in case...I had a sinus infection that got out of control a few years ago and I needed steroids to get over it, it was awful.

Oh no! I'm sorry Rachel. Get better soon! I have Sinus issues! I get my share of those types of infections. I agree, when I feel sick or start to feel that way...Green Monsters make me feel like I'm fighting those little germs away! I guzzle those all day. My tips....Vicks...Humidifier...lots and lots of water...I tried a tall glass or more every hour on the hour. HTH.

Thanks for the tips Joanna! I am drinking a tall glass of water right now!

April 28, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

I have come to love the neti pot - it really helps a lot, even if it's hard to get used to. Also, if I plan ahead and keep zinc tablets around, they are very helpful if you start taking them RIGHT AWAY as soon as you first notice symptoms. By now, i'm sure it's too late for you, but it might help next time.

I hope you recover in time for the weekend!

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRachel (Olalliberry)

Oh no! I hope you're able to ward it off. I have had the same feeling, that something is going wrong, all week. I'm just waiting for it to really hit me!

I do a lot of the same things you mentioned. One thing I learned recently from my dad, who has been in the fitness and health industry his entire life, is that going to the gym and getting your body moving is a great thing to help with getting better but you should be careful not to break a sweat, since that is more detrimental towards recovery for your sick body.

Hope you feel better soon!

I'm so sorry that you are sick! I hope you start feeling better and DON'T go to the gym if you aren't ready for it! You don't want to set yourself back even farther by making yourself more sick. (Note. I give this advice knowing I would never follow it...). I got really sick this year during my sugar detox - I think it was part of the detox and how much sugar was in my body, but I was miserable! It makes me think twice about all of the sugar I've been re-integrating back into my diet!

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLauraJayne

I hope you feel better asap!! We need you up and cooking again. :) Selfish much?

But seriously - take care of yourself and pace yourself for the birthday party. Make things ahead of time and really cut corners where you can. Take care of yourself the most so you can be there for your man's birthday! :)

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSusan(Oliepants)

I get sick when I push myself beyond exhaustion for extended periods of time. (Really bad and unhealthy, I know.)
So for me, rest is the only thing that helps! I had 3-4 sinus infections this winter for the first time in my life - finally a doctor suggested mucinex - also a lifesaver. :)

I would take it easy and not worry about not working out - it would be better to get better!

I'm sorry you're sick!! At least you're doing everything to get better!! Feel better!!

April 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLauren @ Hungry Dancer

awwwwww sorry you're feeling crappy friend. i hope you're on the mend soon. being sick is the worst! thinking of you lady :) xoxo

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