What About Me Wednesday + Meal Planning
Hellooo! Isn’t it fantastic that it’s already Wednesday?! Oh how the world would just be a better place if Monday was officially part of the weekend :) So today I want to share with you a new thing that I’m going to try out here on the blog. I’m starting a segment called What About Me Wednesday where each Wednesday I’ll share a random fact or FAQ with you all and I hope that you’ll share some back with me! That being said, if you have any questions you want me to address - be it about cooking, tips, recipes, eating my way through Manhattan and New Jersey, Shaun, our kitchen or apartment, etc - please ask and I’ll try my best to answer. Sound ok?
So for today’s What About Me Wednesday, I’m going to share a little secret that has nothing to do with cooking. I am the farthest thing from an early riser.
But oh how I wish I was! I’m completely envious of people who wake up at 5:30 everyday, get in a good workout and then have the entire day ahead of them. I am just not one of these people! If I can work out in the morning, it’s a rare occasion and it takes a whole lotta convincing myself to do it. I struggle every morning to even wake up for work on time. What can I say, I love my warm and cozy bed! My mom is a super early riser and I really, really wish that I had gotten this gene. I think I'd get so much more out of life if I was this way. What about you? Are you an early riser? Or a night owl?
For the second part of today’s post, we’re talking meal planning. I have really been trying to get in the habit of planning out our meals each week. It’s a bit time consuming, but I’m hoping to get into the swing of things as the weeks go on! I scour magazines and cookbooks for what I want to try out and then head out to the grocery store to get my supplies for the week.
just a small sampling of my extensive cookbook collection
So today I’m sharing this week’s meal plan that I devised on Sunday morning. I try to plan out each dinner and then have a few things around to suffice for lunch since both Shaun and I bring our lunches to work almost everyday. For this week’s lunches, I made a batch of lightly dressed egg salad (still working on the perfect recipe) and a tray of whole wheat farfalle with lots of veggies. And here’s the dinner rundown:
Dinner: mushroom & spinach tarts with salad (recipe coming soon!)
I had planned to make cod with broccoli quinoa pilaf, but someone decided that he wanted buffalo chicken nuggets instead. I made him go out for the ingredients.
I had planned to make pizza (with whole wheat dough and fresh mozzarella) but Shaun didn’t feel well so he didn’t want dinner. I had zumba and pilates, so by the time I got home, I simply heated up some leftover nuggets with a few slices of cheese and crackers. A dinner of champions.
The original plan was for leftovers, but since I have fresh cod in the fridge, we will probably have this tonight.
I broke out my new Ina Garten cookbook and added her roasted shrimp with feta to the menu. We’ll see how this new recipe goes!
I had originally planned to either go out or order in, however, since I didn’t make the pizza on Tuesday, this is a viable option for Friday’s dinner.
I hardly ever cook on Saturday because we are usually out and about!
So that’s how I had planned out the week of meals. I also filled in the gaps with lots of fruit, veggies and Chobani Greek yogurt (our new favorite snack!). To plan out our meals has taken a lot more effort than I thought it would, but I think that it’s the best way to eat healthier and also do some cooking in advance so that I’m not starting from scratch every single night after work. There was one point where we were eating dinner at 9:00 each night, which is just not a healthy way to live!
So what do you think? Have you ever tried meal planning? Any tips to share?

Reader Comments (12)
love meal planning! i have a separate email where i send all the recipes that i bookmark throughout the week. then over the weekend i pick out 3-4 recipes from there, and cookbooks and wherever that I'm going to make and write them in a notebook. i use those recipes to make my grocery list and add any other items i may have run out of that week! flexibility is key! if i don't feel like making what's on the menu that day, i switch it up...it's just a rough guide.
i'm a night owl but often have to get up early...so that doesn't work out too well!
I try to meal plan, but it doesn't always work out that well :/ I get an A for effort though!
I am not an early riser, I go through streaks where I try to get up early and go to the gym in the morning but that is usually short lived and I go right back to hitting snooze. Sleeping is my favorite thing in the world, I like to stay in bed until the last possible minute.
I am totally a morning person! I get downright onery at night if I'm tired!
I don't try meal planning per se, but I do but the ingredients that I know I need to use that week - so with my kale purchase, I know that I'll make something with Kale and I just pick through my recipes to decide (or look online/read blogs) for inspiration!
Can't wait for more random facts about you:-) This is my vacation week so I am a little sad that it is already Wednesday... ah time flies!
I'm definitely with you on the morning workouts. I know how beneficial they are, but sleeping for 10 more minutes beats that by a long shot. Unfortunately, I can't sleep in too long because my body alarm wont let me, but I still can't manage to work out in the morns.
I have been planning my meals every week for the past couple of months and I LOVE it. It makes for a less stressful dinner process... no fighting with hubby tiffiing back and forth..what do you want for dinner...i dont know what do you want for dinner? I feel like it saves me time and we both look forward to the meals that are planned already!
I'm horrible at meal planning---I try it and then end up changing things, and then end up with a bunch of ingredients going bad in the fridge. It just doesn't work for me!
I am a morning person though---I can totally get up at 4:30 or 5 and workout and do work, and then move on with my day. I love that feeling!
I have to say that I'm just like you - I cannot get up in the morning for the life of me! I cannot get up before sunrise for sure! I am trying my best at meal planning lately. I have to say it doesn't come easiest for me because things always happen with my schedule - not an excuse - just saying! :) I think I'm getting into a routine - now only if things don't come up to disrupt it! :)
I'm trying to do more meal planning, but like you I find that the plans change pretty often! Lately I've been trying to stick to more familiar dinner recipes during the week because they are easier to plan. It's easier for me to be creative on the weekends.
I eat dinner at 9 a lot... but then again, I don't go to bed till 1-2 ;)
I actually do eat dinner that late at night. Don't make me feel more guilty :(
I think you are so smart for planning. I really should do that and always intend to , but I always, I don't find something else to occupy me and stick to the same tihngs or whatever. Meh.
I vote for Pizza on friday too :)
I'm sorry if I made you feel guilty! I just mean it's unhealthy because I try to be in bed by 10 and I really hate eating so late because by the time we eat the night is gone. On a weekend night, I typically eat at 9 or later!
Mmmm...I want buffalo chicken nuggets! Sounds good! As for meal planning...I try but can never handle it. mostly because I change my mind halfway through the week and want something else. I'm not a picky eater but a moody eater (even before I was pregnant) and can't stand eating something I'm not in the mood for haha I'm just weird, but we usually make it work with basic general meal planning and a few ideas t hroughout the week as well.