Snickerdoodle Dip
This week has been a stressful one. Yesterday I developed an eye twitch. I overslept my alarm. I barely wore make up. It's been a long one.
I really wish that I was one of those people whose stomach, when stressed, just shut right down and refused to accept food. Instead, I got the kind of stomach that becomes a bottomless pit that can never be filled. And it doesn't discriminate either. Any food is up for grabs...that is, any unhealthy food is up for grabs. Somehow I don't think broccoli would cut it at a time like this.
So after seeing the hubs in quite a bit of pain, cleaning up blood (and an extremity) spattered all over my kitchen, taking a trip to the emergency room, refusing to ignore that we got a major wake up call on how quickly an accident (albeit even a relatively minor one like this) can strike at a moments notice...I'm spent. And so I was in dire need of an easy, sweet treat following Mandolingate (as my boss has deemed it). You know, a sweet treat that could double as dinner.
A few days before, I saw that Snickerdoodle Dip was making the rounds on the blogosphere and I just had to give it a whirl. And once I did, I profoundly declared it a perfectly delicious emotional edible. Not to mention its promise as a party food. Yes, I also realized that in the chaos of the week, I have failed to provide you with any football party foods in advance of the upcoming Superbowl. No worries, I've got you covered with this crowd-pleaser, along with a few others in the coming days.
Snickerdoodle Dip
*Adapted from The Wannabe Chef
1 15 oz can cannelini beans, drained & rinsed
1/4 C peanut butter
1/4 C maple syrup
1 tbsp Splenda brown sugar blend (or real brown sugar)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon + more for garnish
honey, drizzled in to taste
graham crackers (my fave), apple & banana slices and any other dippers ya like!
Combine all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor.
Blend until creamy and smooth, adding more honey if desired for extra sweetness. Feel free to do lots of taste testing at this point in the process ;)
Scoop into a serving dish, garnish with ground cinnamon and enjoy with your dippers! I ate mine on some low-fat graham crackers and never felt happier :)
It may not have cured my anxiety or stress (sometimes I think medication is my only hope), it did a pretty delicious job of curing my sweet tooth over the last few nights :) So what do you think? Are you an emotional eater? Or do you lose your appetite when stress hits? And bonus question: Do you like sweet dips? Any more to share with me?

Reader Comments (15)
Im def an emotional eater but I love taking out my stress at the gym as well so I guess I get the best of both worlds! THIS DIP LOOKS AND SOUNDS AMAZING!
yum!!! love these pictures. i saw your link on twitter and literally ran upstairs to my computer to read this post. i'm not an emotional fact i get sick to my stomach when i'm stressed...
with a name like snickerdoodle how could it be bad?! :)
I totally made Evan's peanut butter chocolate chip hummus tonight with a couple tweaks of my own... it is so damn good! :D
Ugh, I am totally an emotional eater as well! Your version looks awesome, good to know you can use cannelini beans!
Superbowl treat!!
Light to moderate stress, I'm an emotional eater. Heavy stress though, there is no way I can eat.
I don't typically go for sweet dips, I am definitely a more savory dip kind of girl...that looks delicious though!
Oh nooooo not you too! All my bloggie BFFs are making dessert-y dips right now. Veggies need love too!!!! <3 =)
haha love ya girl! I bet it tastes flipping awesome!
uh, YUM? that dip is a must-try for me!
Snickerdoodle dip? WOW! That's awesome! I love Snickerdoodles!
I'm an emotional, bored, and happy eater. That's so sad but food is like a friend who comforts me when times are low and celebrates with me when I'm happy.
I'm definitely a stress eater! I try and work on it, but it still gets me now and then :)
I haven't tried any dips like this, but it does look really good. I'm not sure what I'm waiting for!
I am absolutely an emotional eater and usually with the sugar! I do try to just recognize the reason for the eating and being conscious of it has been a huge help!
This dip looks beautiful, but I just cannot imagine that combination of flavors - beans with sweeteners and peanut butter? Are you sure it's as yummy as you make it look and sound???
I am a stress eater/gym go-er so sometimes it cancels out...but usually not! That dip looks good especially with some crispy apples!
Hope the healing continues! The dip looks delicious and is perfect for curling up on the couch and doing some serious snacking!