Wednesday Things
1. Today I have a half day at work, and then it's on to a 4 day weekend! Yipeeeee!
2. Yesterday, we had a delicious Thanksgiving pot luck lunch at work. Everyone brought A-mazing dishes, including turkey & gravy, macaroni & cheese, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, butternut squash salad, soft peanut butter cookies and cranberry bars. It was such a fun afternoon and a special treat during this holiday week. Though we were all in a food-induced coma for the remainder of the afternoon...
3. It kind of makes me sick to my stomach a little bit when I see that retailers are starting their sales at 9pm on Thanksgiving. Does greed know no bounds?
4. I definitely want to see The Muppets this weekend at some point! Muppets Take Manhattan was one of my favorite movies growing up.
5. I will also be watching the Macy's parade tomorrow morning, in my pajamas! I plan to get all of my cooking done this afternoon so that tomorrow I can bask in balloon and lip syncing action like I'm 8 again.
6. Tomorrow evening officially marks the start of holiday music. I have been itching for some over the last week but made myself hold out until it's appropriate. I can't wait to get my Bing, Dean, Burl & Buble on!
7. I am ordering this DVD pack. I'm hanging my head in shame that I don't already own them. Throw in Home Alone and I'm set for the year.
8. I'm trying to decide what to wear tomorrow. Dress? Pants? Stretchy pants?
9. Tomorrow culminates the 50 Days of the Little Things! Did anyone else do this challenge? I'll publish all 50 of mine on Thanksgiving morning. I can't wait to share them with all of you!
10. I started reading A Clash of Kings (from the Game of Thrones series). I was so into the show that I decided to give the books a whirl. I skipped the first one since I watched the first season. It's definitely a long one (and a long series!). Has anyone else read these books?
11. I have to go get ready for work. Here's to hoping that the rain holds out for a while!
Questions of the Day:
What are you looking forward to this holiday weekened?
What are your Wednesday things?

Reader Comments (7)
Oh i remember those thanksgiving potlucks we used to have when i worked. I always looked forward to that day. Your plate looks like it was delicious! Hope you have a great and relaxing rest of the week! You deserve it!
I loved the game of thrones series and need to start readng the books -- it's too long of a wait until the next season!
Happy Thanksgiving!
freakin love Elf! putting it on while i cook today. we'll probably we seeing the muppets too! hubby loves them.
Excited for the muppets movie too. There is an exhibit at the museum of the moving image in astoria about the muppets hoping to check it out this weekend.
I'm seriously considering rocking yoga pants for eating tomorrow! You can dress em up with boots and no one will be the wiser! ;)
we have a lot of overlap on this week's wednesday things. =) i, too, am getting most of my cooking/baking done today so hubby + I can watch the parade in our PJs tomorrow. + we're planning on seeing the muppets movie this weekend, too! hope you have a fantastic thanksgiving, girl!
I heard the Muppet movie is really good!
I'm still trying to decide what to wear tomorrow....leaning towards skinny jeans + big sweater and boots. :)