Halloween Through The Years
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Do you want to know what I hate?
As soon as my favorite season comes around, it starts to be extremely dark in the morning when my alarm goes off. I hate that! It feels like waking up in the middle of the night, instead of at a normal human hour. It makes dragging my butt out of bed that much more difficult.
On a fun note...it's hump day! And that means it's time for another installment of What About Me Wednesday. As I mentioned last week, I'm trying to bring these back for my Wednesday posts. As we're already approaching the middle of October, Shaun and I have been hard at work devising our Halloween costumes for this year. Though I'm not particularly a huge fan of dressing up for Halloween, a certain someone is in fact a big fan, so we will be decked out and attending a party in our building this year.
I thought it would be fun to do a little embarassment reminiscing here on the blog of Halloween's past. Starting with this little gem:
My mom typically made our Halloween costumes when we were kids, but this one was actually the dress from a kid-sized Raggedy Ann doll, topped with a red yarn wig. I actually love this photo because it was down the block from the house I grew up in (where we subsequently moved from when I was in college). Look at those cars in the background! Some of my other favorite costumes I wore as a kid include a red crayon (I have to track down this photo), Sleeping Beauty and a Giants football player.
In looking for other costumes through the years, I found this one of my friend Jen and I from high school. Oh man, I can't help but crack up at it...I'm some kind of chick Cat in the Hat and she's a blue M&M. Love it.
As you know, Shaun and I have been together for over 11 years now, so there have been many, many Halloweens together. We typically do some sort of 'couples' costume. I believe our first ever couples costume was in our senior year in college. I was a somewhat sexy devil (because as every girl knows, every costume must be a sexy form of something. for me circa 2003, this meant a tank top with a skirt. hot.) while Shaun went as a fat angel.
Following college, we clearly got a little more sophisticated for a hot second. This brought on the era of the 1920's! I was a flapper and he a gangster. I think this is my favorite costume to date. I still love that cute hat that I had found at a thrift shop.
Next up, we went as cave people! I think we simply went to Wal-mart, picked up fabric and tied it all up to look like costumes. Shaun's wig/flip flop combo gets me every time.
We must have recycled a few costumes in there, but I do have some more recent ones...like Halloween 2009 when we went as Sookie & Eric from True Blood! I loved these costumes too. So fun
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any pics from last year's Halloween, but I assure you, it was a doozie. We devised our costumes at the last minute. Shaun went as an 80's hair band rocker and I went as his groupie/lady friend, complete with paint splatter tights, glittery eye liner and a Fame hat. Yeah.
So that's my little trip down memory lane. As for this year? We're working on something a tad bit spookier, which I'll share with you once we've got it all planned.
Have a great day everyone! I hope this brought you some laughs :)
Questions of the Day:
What was your favorite Halloween costume ever? Or your funniest?
Will you be going in costume this year? If so, as what?

Reader Comments (9)
I love the cave people costumes! too funny and cute but they are all great. My favorite costume I have worn is a roller skate girl, like from the 80s. I had a cute little one piece jumper short outfit with roller skates, my hair in a high ponytail and of course chewing on some gum! It was cute and fun!
haha LOVE all the costumes :) i was a sea monster once...and it was pretty awesome!
Last year I was Bonnie without Clyde...the costume itself was great but what really made it was a toy machine gun that actually made noise. I'm sure it annoyed the hell out of people as I progressively got drunker and started fake shooting everyone!
Love the costumes...and pics of you guys throughout the years! Can't wait to see what's in store for this Halloween.
I think my best Halloween costume to date was a Liger. "it's like a lion and a tiger mixed...bred for its skills in magic"
LOVE the True Blood year!!! You guys are so creative. :)
I am a terrible costume creator...yours all look awesome!
These are SO dang cute! I love them! I'm afraid I'm rathing boring - the last time I dressed up for Halloween, I was a BYU student - which would only make sense in Utah!
LOL love all those photos! I have no idea what my plan is for Halloween this year... we are moving a few days later and getting a costume isn't on the priority list:-(
I was Sookie last year, but I think your wig is MUCH better!