Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

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Baked Potato Chips

It's snowy in NYC today, though not quite as snowy as I had hoped. Here's a little snapshot from my walk this morning:

On one hand I'm thrilled since I'm flying out to Atlanta tomorrow night and was dreading the whole travel with snow thing. I just hate travel in the winter! It's so unpredictable.

Anyhow, today I'm sharing a pretty wonderful creation with all of you. I still had a big bag of potatoes stuffed in a cabinet hiding in my pantry from my vegetable tarts and while my first inclination was to whip up some mashed potatoes, I didn't think that would play so well with the whole lose 10 pounds plan. Instead, I came up with an easy and absolutely delicious creation - baked potato chips.

Put down that bag of Lay's Baked Potato Chips because they taste like cardboard and go out and get a bag of potatoes. Right now. These are chips of the never-going-back-to-the-bagged-kind variety. Though I know Shaun was secretly skeptical about my plan for these when I told him about it (he's more of a fry guy), one taste tested chip later he proclaimed that he will only eat these from now on. Score one for healthier eating.

Oven baked and crispy, these chips are fresh, salted and the perfect vehicle for a low fat dip, some blue cheese sauce or even some plain 'ol hummus. Oh and did I mention they require no more than 3 ingredients? True story.

Baked Potato Chips
olive oil
kosher salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and slice up your potatoes.

I used my fancy new mandolin that Shaun got me for Christmas which made it a snap. If you don't have a mandolin, you can absolutely - and carefully - slice them by hand or even in your food processor with the slicing attachment (though I haven't tried it yet, so let me know how it goes if you go this route).

In a bowl, drizzle the slices with olive oil and kosher salt. And any other spices you want. I also added a little bit of black pepper.

Lay the slices on an oven safe wire rack resting on a foil-lined baking sheet (I'm all about making clean up easier!)

Bake for 30-45 minutes until desired crispiness is reached. I wanted mine extra crispy so I went for about 45 minutes. The result was a semi-kettle cooked tasting chip.

Sprinkle with a bit more salt to taste and enjoy!


So there you have it. An easy, healthy way to dish up some potato chips without breaking the proverbial calorie bank. Don't they look delicious? I am craving some right this moment. Too bad Shaun and I gobbled them all up in a jiffy during the football games on Sunday. I can't wait to try out this method with sweet potatoes and maybe even some beets. So for the question of the day: Are you a chip eater? Or do you prefer something of the sweet persuasion?

Reader Comments (21)

I am a mostly sweet kind of girl, but I definitely could be persuaded to eat some of those!

I think chips are okay but I've never been big on them. I do LOVE french fries though (I will admit) but the homemade variety are my favorite, especially sweet potato fries! YUM!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTheHealthyapron

Hi Rachel! Just stumbled on your site and fell in love with your recipes and food adventures!! You're too cute and I am excited to read more!

I am a potato aficionado! I loooove chips, kettle and homemade are the bomb, and the love of my life (beside my hubs) is French Fries, especially In-n-Out ones! I am trying to make the perfect homemade batch (oven healthy perhaps?) But those little boogers are a doozy!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoanna@Drizzle of Sunshine

I am going to try these tonight...lets hope all my fingers are in tact at the end, as I do not have a mandolin! I'll let you know!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

Joanna, so happy that you found us!
Kim, please be careful!! Good luck!

January 12, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

Oh man, my boyfriend's mom gave me a mandolin recently and I need to make these stat!! I might do some sweet potato ones as well!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChristin@purplebirdblog

I make these too!!!!!!!!! I put OODLES of cayenne pepper and cajun seasoning on mine =) they're so flipping versatile!

great photos.. now im hungry! <3

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJenn L @ Peas & Crayons

I also got a mandoline for Christmas too! Funny thing, as I was scrolling along your post I saw the first pic and thought to myself "man, I bet those would be amazing with blue cheese sauce" and then, lo and behold, you mentioned blue cheese sauce in the next section! It's like you read my mind :)

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie @ Haute Apple Pie

Okay - I have the EXACT mandoline and I love it! I have to try your recipe today!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSusan (Oliepants)

oh, my goodness gracious. I need to make these, like... right. now.

have you tried 'em in ranch? when I snatch up these puppies in restaurants, I either go the ketchup mixed with mustard route or I douse them in ranch. either way, yuuumo!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlyssa @ Life of bLyss

Thanks everyone! I can't wait to try them with your suggestions!

January 12, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

Your pic made me miss NYC...a lot! I need to take a weekend trip down there soon (well, maybe I'll wait till spring).

I love baked chips---last time I made them with sweet potatoes, and they were good, but whites are better!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa @ Thrive Style

Thanks Lisa! I cannot wait to try these with sweet potatoes! Yum! And yes, get to NYC once it gets warm - there's nowhere else like it!

January 12, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

I am in LOVE with this! If they're baked, they're healthy, right? And non-fat? :)

That picture is so pretty! But really, are you ready for spring? Because I am. :)

What is bringing you to Atlanta? You're coming at the right time. Most of the ice should be gone by the time you get here and hopefully, flights are running normally now.

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCynthia

Yum!! I'll definitely be trying this. :) Love that they're baked, too!

January 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMary @ Bites and Bliss

What gorgeous photos. How do you make potatoes look so glamorous??? Seriously, I make chips like this all the time but I never thought to put them on wire racks. I do it without, and they sit in the oil and get a bit too greasy. This is a great technique. thanks so much!

PS What kind of mandolin did you get? I tried one once and wasn't happy (it was a cheap one). Would love to know which one you have....

I always say i'm going to make these and I never do-I really want to try sweet potato ones! I was never a huge chip eater-but if you put a bag of doritos in front of me you might want to re-think your choices.

Rivki, it's all about the wire rack! I learned this trick and never looked back. The oil drips onto the pan (which is where the foil liner is key) creating a crispy chip. I got the Oxo V-slicer Mandolin. It's great! Highly recommend.

January 13, 2011 | Registered CommenterRachel

These look fantastic and I can't wait to try them. It was so funny, before I read to the end, I was thinking I would like to try it with beets and sweet potatoes! Great minds think alike!

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLeanne

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