April Favorites: What I dug over the last month
I know. I'm like a week late. I'm sorry. But answer me this...how is it May already? I'm just not sure how it happened, but April flew by even more quickly than March did. So I won't spend any more time reflecting on the fact that life is passing by in an instant, and instead, why don't we just get down to the goods, shall we?
All things breakfast. This month I not only remastered my famous scrambled eggs, but I discovered the wonder of the Lemon Blueberry Pancake. All it took was a little lemon zest and some frozen blueberries to turn this ordinary cakes from eh to super duper mmmm. Crispy edges and cakey insides (really the only way to cook a pancake in my opinion), these pancakes single-handedly ruined me for boxed mixes forever.
Fruit. While we're on the subject of frozen blueberries, I should mention that April was a month of fruity concoctions. Though apples are out of style (even though I still give them a try every other day, only to find that they are just mealy and overall undelicious this time of year), I still enjoyed many a fruit this month. Bananas not only graced my lunch bag, but they also wormed their way into quite the scrumptious banana bread. Dried fruits like raisins and cranberries provided a quick in-between-meal filler along with a handful of almonds. Oh, and did I mention that raisins made their way into my Honey Bran Muffins? Which just so happened to look so delectable that they were featured on Photograzing?
Land O'Lakes Light Butter with Canola Oil. A nice, silky smooth alternative to the real thing, this version of butter is lightened up without becoming full blown margarine (because let's face it, that's just blasphemy). Don't get me wrong, I love butter as much as the next person (though perhaps not quite as much as Paula Deen), but on a day to day basis, this is one of the easiest ways to cut calories without really sacrificing flavor. Though I wouldn't necessarily substitute it in something like Mint Julep Brownies, to butter a skillet or to top off a whole wheat English muffin, it's the perfect butter substitute.
BLT Burger. I know I already raved about it to no end, but seriously, it's one restaurant that I have revisited multiple times and let me tell you...it's not because of its healthy options or cost-effectiveness. Nope. BLT Burger is pure decadence and when I look back over the super busy month I just had...well, decadence is certainly noteworthy. Especially when there's milkshakes involved.
The Clintons. Ok, I know it's not actually food related, but it's really just too exciting not to give it a mention. After all, it's not everyday that you see a former President and the Secretary of State walking down Fifth Avenue hand in hand. Especially when you get close enough to snap this photo...without being accosted by Secret Service agents. Politics aside...come on...does it get any cooler?
So there you have it...my slightly eclectic roundup of April Favorites. What did you go bananas over this month? What are you looking forward to in May?
Psst...if you missed any other monthly favorites, you can check out delights including gourmet pizza in January, gorgonzola fig crostini in February and Irish car bomb cupcakes in March...

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