Share your Avid Appetite
You may have noticed the fancy little box that recently popped up on the side bar, begging readers to share their Avid Appetites. One of the many things I love about food is its uncanny ability to bring people together - shopping together at a green market, cooking together in the kitchen, sharing a dinner together...there's really nothing like enjoying food with the people you love. Or like, even. So in the spirit of food, I want to hear from you, dear Reader.
While I hope that you enjoy reading about my culinary adventures in and out of the kitchen, my hope is that you are out there having your own adventures...and I want to hear about them. We've already featured a few reader creations over the last couple of months...
I couldn't be more excited to feature Keri's Chick Cake Pops after I stumbled upon them a couple of months ago. I mean, really, did you ever think that cake could be so cute?
And how about Danielle's Irish car bomb cupcakes that she modeled after TAA's St. Patty's Day recipe? Don't they look divine? Between the frosting and sprinkles, I'd say they look mmm-mmm good. And I couldn't be more flattered that D was willing to test out a recipe of my very own (oh, and for the original recipe, you can find it right here).
So, wouldn't it be fun to hear from more foodies, and less of my rambling every day? if you want to be featured on The Avid Appetite, here's the skinny:
1) If you have a signature recipe that's oh-so-delectable in nature, send it on over with some scrumptious photos.
2) If you recently visited a restaurant, food truck or bodega that you've been dreaming about and is inevitably going on your permanent recommendation list, send it on over with a review (long or short) and, of course, photos.
3) If you found a fabulous foodie product, cooking technique that you've mastered, or essentially anything else remotely related to food and eating, send it on over...with photos.
To submit, you can visit the Contact page or email Hope to hear from you!

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