He Cooks!
It may or may not come as a shock to you that I do a majority of the cooking in the Humiston household. That’s not to say that Shaun doesn’t like to cook. Actually, he likes it. A lot. In fact, he’s come up with some pretty amazing dishes. Since I also like it a lot, I usually demand offer to cook most of our weeknight dinners. Unless I’m tired and cranky and then Shaun (or our local pizza delivery man) is automatically on the hook for dinner. Luckily he usually takes the reigns with a smile (and probably secretly jumps for joy that I get out of his way in our avid kitchen for once). And he'll even pose for some pics when I mention the blog (which is in just about every conversation we have).
Tuesday was one of these nights. Since we try to order in once a week at most and it was so early in the week, Shaun offered to whip up a lil’ somethin’. After a close inspection of our refrigerator and pantry, turkey meatballs and whole wheat spaghetti it was!
And for as much as I like to create my own recipes or alter others’ recipes, Shaun really takes it to the extreme in that he hardly ever uses a cookbook or follows recipes. Ever. But somehow his creations are nothing short of yum-inducing. Though I leaned over his shoulder a few times to snap some delectable looking photos, I can't be sure of all the ingredients since I was the cookee, not the cook (a fun place to be, I might add)! But I do know that tomato paste and Frank's Red Hot were involved. And since I have yet to tackle meatballs or sauce until I can learn the secrets of the sauce from a one Sandy Cannon (aka, my Italian and very sauce-particular mom), this was really a treat. You see I never order spaghetti and meatballs in a restaurant since it's never up to par. This version? I'm still dreaming about it.
Served over some whole wheat pasta and ricotta, this was the perfect, filling dish on a cool evening at home. In fact, I may or may not have eaten this entire (and entirely inappropriately filled) dish:
So what do you think? Do you ever whip up recipes on a whim? Are you the frequent cook in your kitchen or do you leave it to your significant other? Or do you prefer to make cooking a joint effort?
Psst...wanna hear more from the Mr.? Let's see if we can't convince him to jump on a guest posting one of these days...

Reader Comments (5)
Love this! Go Shaun!
woohoo! men who cook are awesome :)
Love it! This looks simple enough for any guy to try!
I am so jealous!!! Looks amazing. It must be nice to be able to sit and be served.
Go B.I.L.! Looks yummy!