Holiday Hangover
Chocolate, jelly beans, and Peeps galore...Isn't it just the worst to be back from a nice holiday (and 3-day weekend) and stuck at work, nursing that holiday hangover? I spent my holiday traveling to family and running around in the cold, and eating cupcakes. Overall a great, holiday, but sadly, by the time I hit up Duane Reade for my coveted Reese's Peanut Butter egg, they were sold out...maybe next year.
My mind tells me that the best remedy is to hit the gym hardcore and start the week off on the right note. My body however, says No thanks...On a post-holiday Monday, I just want to curl up on the couch with Jack Bauer, Nathan Fillion, and a cupcake or two.
Any tips for post-holiday malaise?
Reader Comments (2)
well i just finished the last crumbs cupcake after going out for mexican....hopefully tomorrow ill officially start my post-holiday dieting...but then its finals season...
we'll see....any good tunes you can recommend for the perfect spring workout?
I like the new black eyed peas song...boom boom pow! Its fun and you can sing to it!
went running today (pat on the back for me because i despise running) because i wanna look good in a bikini.
this was my playlist:
Fascination by: Alphabeat
My Life Would Suck Without You by: Kelly Clarkson
Untouched by: The Veronicas
That's Not My Name by: The Ting Tings
those are my favorite four because they have the best beat