Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Entries in Recipes (92)


Mushroom + Onion Frittata

Don't forget to enter our blogoversary giveaway! Enter to win a copy of Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This! cookbook, one of my personal favorites. And it has nothing to do with the many photos of an attractive-looking Rocco strewn throughout the book.

So as you know, Shaun and I are going meatless for a week. So far, I've been cooking up a storm for our lunches and dinners (we typically don't include meat at breakfast, so no change there) and I'm psyched to share some of my ideas with you. I think I found a good one.

I knew that to keep us on track, I'd have to arm us with all the tools to keep our food fun, exciting and most importantly, delicious. So on my day off for MLK day, I made a loose menu plan, a big list of goodies and went shopping. I am happy to report that 75% of my shopping cart was filled with fruits and veggies. Booyah! So to kick things off, I eased us into dinner with a little frittata with a side of sauteed broccoli and cauliflower.

Hold the phone. Eggs...for dinner? Yep, I went there. And if that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

I have one word for this dinner: yum. Though I had never tried one in the past, I've seen many a frittata made on Food Network by some of my faves (Giada, Tyler) so when I came across a delectable looking version in this month's Food Network magazine (obsessed much?) I knew this was a must for meatless week. Not to mention that Shaun loves all things eggs and requests them every Saturday and Sunday morning. Personally I prefer pancakes, but eggs are ok too :) Anyhow, the point of my story is that this frittata is light, delicious and even easier than scrambled eggs if you can believe it.

Mushroom + Onion Frittata
*Adapted heavily from Food Network Magazine
3 eggs
4 egg whites
1 C smoked mozzarella cheese, grated (or cheese of choice, but smoked is recommended)
2 C sliced mushrooms, I used about one package of baby bella's
1 clove garlic, minced
1 onion, cut in half and sliced
1/2 tsp dried basil
1 tbsp parmesean cheese + more for dusting
splash of skim milk
olive oil
light butter

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a non-stick oven approved skillet, heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and a little scoop of light butter. Add the onions and cook on low heat until they are soft and browned, stirring occasionally. Low and slow is key here - don't let them burn! Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk. Season with kosher salt and pepper. Once combined, whisk in the mozzarella, parmesean and basil.

Add the garlic and sliced mushrooms to the onions and continue cooking just until the mushrooms start to soften and break down. They will continue cooking in the oven, so don't overcook them here!


With a silicon brush, I coated the sides of the pan with olive oil. Pour in the egg mixture, evenly over the mushrooms.


Cook over medium heat, without mixing or touching it in any way, until a crust starts to form in the pan, about 2 or so minutes. Run your rubber spatula around the edges to make sure it has set. Transfer to the oven for 7-10 minutes or until lightly cooked through.

Cut into wedges and serve that bad boy up! We enjoyed this along with a bag of frozen broccoli and cauliflower that I sauteed in a tiny bit of olive oil and season with salt, pepper and parmesean cheese. Belissimo.

Though the original recipe called for cottage cheese, I, of course, did not read the entire recipe before food shopping and forgot this ingredient. I don't know what it would taste like with the cottage cheese, but I don't need to find out. This was pure perfection without it. The smokiness of the cheese coupled with the earthiness of the mushrooms was a fab flavor combination all on its own, if I do say so myself.

So there you have it. Our meatless, eggy dinner that Shaun immediately said he 'hated' (our inside joke for when something is over-the-top yum) which also lead to cleaning his entire plate and going back for seconds. And taking another serving for breakfast today. So what do you think? Do you believe in eggs, or any breakfast, for dinner? I personally think it rocks my world!


Banana Bread Redux

Happy 2011! Though I typically settle into a bit of a depression over holidays passing by (especially saying buh-bye to Christmas tunes!), this year I'm trying to get excited for other things in my life instead. Like shedding a few pounds after tossing the leftover cookies, getting back to a workout routine, and planning to see friends who we haven't seen since before Thanksgiving due to time inexplicably flying by.

On New Year's Eve, I spent the day at my parents house, breaking in my new camera by taking lots of photos of this little cutie.


Shaun and I opted to stay in with a Boardwalk Empire marathon. What can I say, we are obsessed! Is anyone else watching? The night was capped off with a little hors d'oeuvres spread in front of our Christmas tree.


On New Year's Day, we hopped the Path into the city for a little lunch and Rockefellar Center with Shaun's parents, aunt, uncle and cousin. No matter how many times I see the tree, it never gets old.


Meanwhile, in my time off from work last week, I worked on some new recipes. Last year, I tested out The Joy of Cooking Banana Bread Cockaigne and it quickly became one of my favorite quick bread recipes. But when I realized that I had a bowl full of these...

I thought I'd change it up and try out a healthier option. You know, part of that whole post-holiday cut the fat thing. Oh and please don't judge me for allowing a bunch of bananas to rot on my countertop. Thanks.

But look what came of those ugly things! I was so happy with how this bread turned out. Let's face it, by substituting applesauce for oil and honey for sugar, it's not necessarily a sure thing. But this bread was a moist, filling one that I'd surely make again!

Whole Wheat, Almost Sugar-Free Banana Bread
*Makes 1 loaf
1/3 C unsweetened applesauce
1/4 C honey
2 tbsp Splenda brown sugar blend
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
3 bananas, very ripe and mashed
1 3/4 C whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 C hot water
1/2 C chopped walnuts

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

In a large bowl, beat the applesauce, honey and Splenda brown sugar blend.

Meanwhile, mash up the bananas.


Add the eggs to the applesauce mixture and mix well. Beat in the vanilla and mashed bananas. Stir in the flour and salt, mixing until just combined. Add the baking soda to hot water. Mix to let dissolve and then add to the bread batter. Lightly stir in the walnuts. Pour into a greased loaf pan.


Bake for 50-55 minutes.

Slice up and enjoy!

So there you have it. A simple way to change up your standard banana bread into a delish, healthy, guilt-free option! So what do you think?

And for the question of the day: How are you beating the post-holiday New Year blues? Or are you simply psyched to kick off 2011?



Penne Alla No-Vodka

When I won Heather's giveaway for Rocco DiSpirito's new cookbook, I couldn't have been more psyched. His new book features classic comfort dishes that are 'lightened up' by making simple changes to the ingredients.

So after Shaun and I were snowed in eating popcorn all night...and drinking lots of wine...

...I realized I had all the ingredients to make Rocco's No Cream/No Cry Penne alla Vodka. I practically did one of these in celebration.


Yes, it's still pasta, which by nature just seems unhealthy. But by cutting out the cream in favor of Greek yogurt, this dish goes from decadent and rich to...not as decadent and rich. Oh and did I mention that I whipped it up in record time? It's super easy.


Penne Alla No-Vodka
*Adapted from Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This
1 box pasta of your choice (I used Cavatappi)
2 C or 1 jar tomato sauce (see below for further info)
1 C Greek yogurt (2% or 0%)
Parmesean cheese

Prepare pasta according to box directions.

In a saucepan, heat up the sauce. I used a store-bought organic brand and doctored it up to add a little more flavor. I started the sauce with some diced onions and 2 minced garlic cloves.



After sauteeing for a few minutes to soften, I added the jar of sauce, some dried basil and 2 bay leaves. I let this simmer and reduce.

In a small bowl, mix 1/2 C of the sauce with the Greek yogurt, stirring until smooth. Add back into the pot of sauce and whisk together (Note: this tempers the yogurt so that when it's added to the large pot of sauce it doesn't curdle. See? I teach you things too).

In a large bowl, toss the pasta and sauce together.

Serve in a pretty dish.

Top with {lots of} parmesean cheese.

Enjoy guilt free! Oh and if you are wondering why there's no vodka in this, it's because Rocco says it's not needed since it brings no flavor to the dish. All those Italian restaurants are merely fooling us with this fancy title apparently. Now you're an insider.

So what do you think? Have you ever lightened up a decadent dish?