What I'm Pop Culturing This Week...and the Last Few
What I'm Watching...on DVD
After finishing Dexter, Season 1, I burned straight through Dexter, Season 2. Though perhaps not for the uber-squeamish (he is a blood-obsessed serial killer after all), the show keeps up the 'need - to - see - next - ep - immediately - because - I - need - to - know - how - Dex - is - getting - out - of - this - one' urgency. And honestly? That's all I'm asking for. The impeccable (and post-Six Feet Under made over and now v. attractive) Michael C. Hall makes the blood-thirsty Dexter sympathetic while adorable Jennifer Carpenter as Dex's sister (and real-life wife of Michael C. Hall) brings humor as crass, foul-mouthed Deb. The mysteries remain compelling and the stories are tightly woven...meaning I will likely continue onto Dexter, Season 3 as soon as possible.
What I'm Watching...on TV
The end of Top Chef: Masters has brought a new personal obsession with Rick Bayless and a new season of Top Chef, this time from Las Vegas. Though the contestants this season seem like social misfits (and not one bit of eye candy for men or women), I can't help but watch, if only for Padma's kickin' wardrobe and Tom Colicchio's cool. Here's hoping that it picks up steam a little. Meanwhile, my Barefoot Contessa obsession remains strong. Fall TV cannot come fast enough.
What I'm Reading...on Kindle
Essentially nothing right now. I ask you, kind readers, for some good book recommendations. I don't discriminate between genres, so all suggestions are welcome! I have gotten into a bad habit of leaving books half-read when they aren't holding my interest (Three Cups of Tea, The Alchemist by Michael Scott). Help!

Reader Comments (4)
Did you ever read The Red Tent? by Anita Diamant
1. Perhaps seeing him in his straight glory after his feminine David adds to the makeover hotness. I cannot get enough!!!
2. HEART Top Chef! I like the brother rivalry. Plus the Vegas thing doesn't hurt. I reeeeeeally want Tom Colicchio to be my friend. Is that too much to ask?
3. I don't know what to tell you about the book thing. Um... Vogue? Elle? All the September issues?
My one complaint - I'd like them to make Dex a little more sexual. The awkwardness isn't good.
Mar - I have not, but have heard good things...recommend it?
Cat - Like, he could not be more awkward...but still love him. Also, I concur that it is NOT too much to ask for TC to be your friend...I had lunch at 'wichcraft the other day and felt a real connection to him.