Happy Friday!
February 6, 2015
Rachel in Five Things Friday

Happy Friday! It took all of my willpower not to get a box of these for the office this morning. Perhaps next Friday, it will need to happen!

This weekend, we have plans for brunch with friends, some relaxing and maaaybe sneaking out for dinner on Saturday night if we can make it happen. Otherwise, I plan to spend some time food shopping and meal planning for the week ahead. It's time to get myself back on track with some healthy eating!

I hope you all have a great weekend! What are your plans?


Now for some links I loved this week:

this lasagna soup! i have really been wanting soup lately and i think this is going to make an appearance in my repetoire soon.

these cutesy pb & jam heart cookies. yes please.

mexican skillet casserole...need for my life.

this skillet bacon spread...what the whaat?!

24 diagrams that make healthy eating easy. i love this so much.

one of my favorite tools: 5 reasons to love the immersion blender

loved this article about the 'cut off' for millennials. we discuss this in my office all.the.time. i definitely do NOT identify with the typical definition of millennial, but i do fall into the age range!

6 things to do everyday to keep your house clean

how nationwide was such a buzzkill per twitter

and finally, these chocolate strawberry cheesecake cupcakes look awesome



Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (http://theavidappetite.squarespace.com/).
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