Snowmageddon That Wasn't
January 28, 2015
Rachel in At Home

We've had a whirlwind bunch of days. If you've heard anything about the recent weather in the northeast, then you'll know that things were expected to get crazy. I worked from home on Monday, bracing for another superstorm sandy-esque pummeling. I had a stocked fridge, a full rack of wine and flashlight and candles on hand in case of a power outage. 

Well the snow was anything but life altering. All told we got about 6 inches, so not very much. Enough to have a snow day at home but not enough to do any real damage. So everyone is back to work and school today.

I did enjoy working at home in sweatpants and slowly downing a nice pot of coffee. I did not enjoy the desire to eat everything in sight, a definite downside of working from home! 

My work set up looked something like this:

By Tuesday, we all had a little bit of cabin fever (some of us more than others). I attempted to take Penelope out in the snow for a little while however she was less than thrilled. She screamed from the time she got her snow pants on until we came back inside, save for just a few minutes when she actually thought the snow was mildly fun.

It nice starting the real work week on Wednesday , but on the other hand I'm completely thrown off because it feels like Monday! I hope those of you hit hard by the storm are doing well and warm!

Have a great hump day everyone!

Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (
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