A Day in the Life
September 18, 2014
Rachel in At Home

6:15 My alarm starts blaring. I roll over, make it stop and snooze. I snooze for a little too long.

6:45 Shaun kisses me goodbye for the day and I hear a bit of stirring from Penelope's room, so I quickly throw my hair up and hop in the shower.

7:15 I'm dressed, the bed is made and I've got some semblance of make up on. Penelope is having quite the conversation with herself by now and so I head to her room and give her 1 million hugs and kisses. I get Penelope dressed and cuddled on the couch watching Mickey so I can finish prepping for the day.

7:30 I pack P's bag for school and my own breakfast and lunch, scrambling to get it all together and into the back of the stroller.

7:45 P is strapped in, has pulled the bow out of her hair and is starting to get antsy. We are ready to go but I remember that I forgot one of Penelope's school forms, so I turn the lights back on, fill it out quickly and scramble out the door.

8:05 After a quick chat with our morning concierge (she loves Penelope!), P and I set out for the day. We walk the short distance to her childcare center. It's a gorgeous day but I'm already sweating by the time we arrive.

8:15 I get P set in her room, drop her stroller in the coat closet so Shaun will have it for pick up, and continue on my way to the Path train, just about a 7 minute walk from the daycare center.

8:45 I get a little blogging done on my phone during my 15 minute ride to the city, and now I'm on foot to the office. But not without a stop at Dunkin for my morning fix. I'm more excited than one should be about receiving an extra 25 bonus points on my DD Perks app just by purchasing my usual coffee today.


9:05 I'm settled into my desk and begin devouring breakfast...coffee, vanilla Greek yogurt and a string cheese. Not quite a breakfast of champions, but it gets the job done. I turn on my Jackson Browne playlist on Spotify (because I’m also 65) to help ease into the morning.

10:00 I've caught up with my co-workers, slogged through some emails and consult my to do list. I've got a lot on my plate this week, but that's pretty standard. Conference call time!

11:00 I work away on various client projects and already begin to watch the clock for lunchtime. I wonder why I'm hungry already (this happens pretty much every day and I consider that perhaps I should eat something more substantial for breakfast).

12:00 It’s super chilly in the office today so I wander into the office kitchen for a cup of tea. I love our refrigerator chock full of Always Sunny fun.

1:00 Lunchtime! A bunch of us eat lunch together which is a great break in the day. I'm typically not that into lunch food and today is no exception. I've brought a chef’s salad that I made at home. It's solid but I'm craving something a little heartier.

1:45 Back to the grind, I've got a meeting to prepare for. We are brainstorming on a new brand that I'm advocating for.

3:00 I’m getting my yawn on and in need of a pick me up, so I grab a Diet Coke and stretch my legs. A nice look at this view helps get me through the afternoon.

3:30 I reevaluate my to do list to tackle what's needed by day’s end.

4:00 Snack time! I made some Dukan-friendly pumpkin pie mousse (recipe coming soon!) so I enjoy it while getting through some more projects.

5:30 Penelope’s pick up time! Shaun picks her up, so I shoot him a message to find out how it went and to request a picture. I’m getting super antsy at this point to get home and see my little nugget.

6:02 I’m out the door and heading up to the Path station on foot. I call my Mom to catch up on the day’s events.

6:23 My train pulls out of the station and I’m crushed up against people who don’t smell particularly great. I read on my Kindle for 15 minutes. Today, I’ve started the new Emily Giffin book.

6:40 I sprint up the Path stairs to catch the shuttle to my building.

6:50 I’m greeted by Shaun and a usually food-faced Penelope. She is so happy to see me. I quickly wash my hands, get changed and we hang out, play and get ready for bathtime.

7:15 Bathtime! P refuses to sit, and splashes until the floor and I are completely soaked. But she's so cute and I get such short time with her that I just can't bear to stop her. Her smiles and belly laughs melt my heart.

7:30 Shaun fires up {actually plugs in} the grill to get our dinner of pork chops going. P is tuckered out. She’s bathed and hanging on the couch with Dolly and her bottle. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for all day long. Snuggle time with Sweet P!

8:00 It’s Penelope’s bedtime, so we do one last diaper change with the lights down low. She kicks and cries and lets us give her a quick kiss. I place her in her crib with some lullaby music on. She tries to scramble up and continue screaming, but it lasts for about 5 seconds before she passes out from sheer exhaustion.

8:10 Shaun and I are on the couch, finally settling in for dinner! Yes, we mostly eat dinner on the couch :\ We fly through an episode of Jeopardy and then begin dinner clean up.

8:45 We settle in for Sons of Anarchy on the DVR (I’ve been waiting all week for this!). It’s so good, but I’m still struggling to stay awake since the day was so busy. As usual. {and we get yet another epic song to close out the show}

10:00 We shut down for the night. Dishwasher goes on, lights go out, teeth are brushed and faces are washed. I do one last check on a sleeping Penelope and then fall into bed with my laptop to finish churning out tomorrow's blog post.

10:30 Shaun asks if I want to watch a Barefoot Contessa or another Jeopardy. I think I mutter something in reply, but before I know it, I’m out cold and my alarm is buzzing once again.

Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (http://theavidappetite.squarespace.com/).
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