I'll be back in later this week with an Easter weekend recap, but wanted to pop in today and say hi!
We had a nice three day weekend and it was brought down only slightly by the appearance of a sinus infection for me, in all of its glory. I've been sipping tea and popping Advil cold & sinus like it's my job, and it seems like today may finally be a turning point. While I'm still feeling foggy and stuffy, last night was the first in a few in which I could actually breathe slightly through my nose, causing less overnight wake ups due to severe dry mouth.
It's pretty. And sexy.
Meanwhile, I'm excited to power through this week because on Sunday morning, I leave for Charleston with my mom and sisters for a long overdue girls weekend and to belatedly celebrate my mom's birthday. I'm so thankful that I'll be healthy and ready to shine by then (here's hoping!). And so in The Great Shoe Saga of 2014, I've been ordering shoes like mad to find the perfect chic yet walkable pair for the trip. I'll keep you posted as to what I land on.
We've actually got a lot coming up over the next few weeks (or months, actually!), including Shaun's birthday next week. Any suggestions for some great guy gifts?
Lastly, are you all caught up on Game of Thrones? We caught up last night and all I can say is...wow! I don't know where this season is leading us, but I was happy to say buh-bye to a certain someone...though I'm really concerned over who's going to take the fall for this one...leave your thoughts in the comments! Entertainment Weekly has all kinds of GoT goodies, if you're interested.