Happy Friday!
December 4, 2014
Rachel in Five Things Friday


{i cheated on dunkin' with an eggnog latte. my wallet hates me.}

It's Friday once again. I don't have five things for you this week because, well, I just couldn't get it together to make it happen. I did collect a great bunch of links that I loved this week and I hope you'll enjoy them too. Tonight we plan to get our christmas tree and spend the weekend in and around Jersey City doing lots of holiday things, with a viewing of Elf mixed in for good measure. Despite the poor weather forecast for tomorrow, we are planning to take P to Sesame Place for their Christmas spectacular. Here's hoping it all goes smoothly!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



here are 10 christmas cookie recipes that look freakin' awesome.

would you rather have unlimited vacation days or set vacation, sick & personal days? The New York Times weighs in.

this whole story about bashing the first daughters just made me sad. are we really stooping that low as a society?

here are some things that happened this year

this family cancelled christmas presents (and i kinda love it)

i adore these easy holiday entertaining ideas; i sometimes wonder when entertaining...who am i doing all of this for?

my friend catherine posted this incredible tees + tulle look and i can't get it out of my head

strong willed children are a blessing, not a curse. i have one of those!

important: the full list of ben & jerry's ice cream flavors.


Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (http://theavidappetite.squarespace.com/).
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