Five Things Friday
March 29, 2013
Rachel in Five Things Friday


{sweet personalized Easter basket for Penelope}


Somehow yet another week has flown by and it's {late on} Friday once again. We spent the week attempting to get Penelope to take naps, but the kid just likes to be awake and crying. I'm very excited for the weekend and Easter holiday. We'll be spending lots of time with family, snacking on holiday eats and dressing Penelope up in her super cute Easter attire. I couldn't resist picking out her first Easter basket and going all out with personalization. Though there's not much to put in it this year (aside from Penelope herself for some funny photos), I couldn't let her first Easter go by without a special basket. And she'll have this one for years and years to come! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and holiday, if you are celebrating!



{last minute easy/fun/disturbing Easter dessert - Peepza Pie!}



{Penelope's first skyline view via Sinatra Park in Hoboken}



{sweet & salty Easter bark with pretzel, white chocolate & coconut}



{Essie favorite Eastery color}


Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (
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