I've officially been a Mom for about 5 1/2 weeks now.
I've been so bad about keeping up with cooking, blogging, paying bills and other things of the sort. It's tough when you have a baby doing a mix of irresistibly cute things, like just being, and incredibly not so cute things, like sharting and crying for hours on end.
Just about the only thing I've kept up with is cleaning my home and putting on makeup, mainly due to the fact that we often have visitors and I refuse to be thought of as having let myself or my home go because we are 'new parents' which is easily translated into 'hot messes.'
Lets just say that this whole parenting thing is simultaneously the awesomest and hardest thing in the world.
This face makes it all worth it though. Whether she's happy or sad.
Part of why I haven't been blogging is because I feel like I don't have much to say, aside from " I'm tired!" "I need a manicure" and "who wants to come babysit, code red?"
There has been little to no cooking going on and most of my food intake has consisted of whatever I can get my hands on, from handfuls of trail mix to random yogurt cups, scarfed down at an alarming rate. I decided last week that it's time for a change...stat.
While I was pregnant with Penelope, I gained a swift 42 pounds.
While it could have been worse, it could have been better, too. I had planned to keep my weight gain to the 30-35 pound range, so I went a little over. I like to blame the holidays.
At 4 weeks post-partum, I had lost about 25 pounds without really trying at all. The combination of exclusively nursing and simply not having the time to eat made losing this weight very easy.
I'm thrilled to be more than halfway back to my pre-pregnancy weight, however, I have not been very healthy about it.
I want to make sure that I'm getting the right nutrition for myself and for Penelope. And so last week, I once again joined Weight Watchers online. I am loving being back on a plan and eating lots and lots of fresh fruit, my favorite! I also get an inordinate amount of joy by tracking my points and seeing how to make the most of 'em.
In the first week, I dropped almost 4 pounds, bringing my total post-partum weight loss to 29 pounds. I have 13 more to go to my pre-pregnancy weight, however, even at that time, I was over my happy weight and so I'm looking forward to hopefully even going beyond my starting point from 11 months ago. I mostly just cannot wait to be out of my maternity clothes and back in my good old stuff!
I plan to do a lot of tracking of what I'm eating and how I'm doing here on the blog, so I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress! I'll leave you with my favorite breakfast of late...maple banana almond oatmeal which clocks in at a very filling & hearty 8 Points+!
Have a great Wednesday, friends!