Five {or Six} Things Friday
May 4, 2012
Rachel in Five Things Friday

Oh hi there!

Last night it rained buckets and thundered and lightninged. It's been gray and threatening rain all week long. I'm ready for a little break from that and from not knowing what the weather will be day to day. I'm ready for warmth and sunshine up in here!


So today is Friday and I've got five things for you. I hope you enjoy!


Space shuttle Enterprise

It's a space shuttle...on top of a plane! It flew up the Hudson River last week, right by my office window. I can't think of anything else I've seen that even compares to this coolness.


Statement rings

Like this one that Kimberly picked up for me years ago in Barcelona.


Linguine with clams & white wine sauce

This just screams summer and I plan to eat a lot more of this in the months to come. Delicious.


Kittens growing up

You may remember these little guys from my aunt's house on Easter. I cute are they getting?!

Still not as adorable as Cat though (and I'm clearly still not over her. neither is Shaun.)



Physique 57

Kimberly has spoken about it many a time, and I finally got my DVDs in the mail yesterday! Of course I popped it right into the DVD player and gave it a whirl. Though I'm the farthest thing from flexible and could not do some of the moves (yet), I really enjoyed this workout! And I'm pleasantly sore today. I'll keep you posted on how it's working out in the coming weeks.


And I've got one bonus thing for you today...

The Fifty Shades Trilogy

I will be finishing the last book on the train this morning as I am 92% through it (thanks Kindle!). I have really enjoyed this series, especially books 2 and 3. I'll be sad to see it go. New book obsession must commence immediately following so I can forget all about copper-colored hair, gray eyes, red rooms, pretty masks and private jets. Hmm.


So there you have it. Six things I love on this Friday. I hope you all have a great weekend!

What things are you loving this week?

What are your weekend plans?



Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (
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