Living Through My To-Do List
December 19, 2012
Rachel in Baby H

Somehow today I'm officially 34 weeks pregnant. Um...whaaat?! Where is time flying to?! It's officially 6 weeks until my due date...and officially crunch time in the Humiston household. Couple that with fast-approaching Christmas and say that I'm feeling stressed out is an understatement. I'm also trying my hardest to slow down and savor these last weeks and especially our last Christmas as a family of two (and a half).


Christmas 2011

To keep myself semi-sane, I have been keeping a serious to-do list of all things baby-related. I started this back in the summertime, when we first started discussing how we were going to transform our den (slash storage room) into a nursery for our sweet baby girl. As time before her arrival is coming to a close, I find myself crossing lots of things off the list...but also continuing to add to it! Here's a peak at what we've accomplished...and what is still on the list to cover (but hopefully that part of the list is a lot shorter!).


Baby To Do List

Clean out the den/future nursery to make room for Baby Girl (!!!)

 Kitchen/Living Room updates

 In the nursery:




So call me...crazy?

Whew! There you have it. My lengthy to-do list that has been in the making for quite some time now. I feel like we are definitely getting things crossed off but still have a number of things to do. Luckily, I think we will tackle a lot of what is left this weekend and next week. I'm excited to finish the fun stuff like getting the bedding set up in the crib, putting together the baby book (tutorial soon!) and working on my pregnancy book (I haven't posed for 20+ bump photos for nothing...)

For you moms out there...what am I missing? Is there anything else that should be added to this list?

And for you live by your to-do list? Clearly I would not survive without mine!


Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (
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