Thursday Thoughts
October 18, 2012
Rachel in thursday thoughts

I am having a love affair with the weather this week. It's crisp, cool and makes me crave a pumpkin spice latte each afternoon.



Too bad I already had my one treat for the season. At $5.17 a pop, I shed a few tears when I paid for that one.  It's DIY pumpkin syrup or bust from now on.

I decided that every day during lunchtime I'm going to take a walk. Do you do this during the work day? Sometimes I feel like it's not possible, but honestly, there is no reason why I can take 10 minutes to walk a few blocks. Exercise + mental well-being = good.


Being pregnant makes you (well, actually me) do crazy things. In addition to list after list after list in my notebook and on my computer, I am continuously having minor panic attacks about projects that need to get done in my house. Did you know that I cannot possibly give birth unless I have organized all of my 2011 and 2012 photos (thousands) into photo books, hang artwork on all of the empty walls in my apartment and create an over-the-door wrapping paper storage solution for our den closet? That's normal, right? I'm thinking something reminiscent of this Container Store option:

And speaking of wrapping paper, if you have any ideas for this grand plan of mine, I'd love to hear them. I'm obsessing over this amazing transformation from IHeart Organizing. And if you don't read Jenny's site...dude, get on that. You will never feel worse about your own organizational skills or more motivated to get your sh*t together.


I also had a meltdown every single evening this week. My poor husband. He's so nice about it. I'm all like 'I hate everything in life! Except you and Baby H! But everything else! The universe is against me in everything I try to do!'

And he just calmly shakes his head in agreement and tells me that next week will be better. And then he makes me dinner. 

Meanwhile, part of my meltdown(s) stemmed from not having clothing that I like. I know when you are pregnant, people tell you to just buy bigger clothes or work with what you've got. But no way. When you seemingly hit rock bottom, the credit card comes out. I may have gone one a little shopping binge this week and purchased the following (among many other things):


Maternity Dot Print Top via LOFT Maternity

Cobalt Bib via Bauble Bar


On the bright side, I feel great today!

Oh and while we're on the subject of shopping binges, do you know how cute baby clothes are? No, seriously. The little hats and booties are enough to make my heart want to burst. I held out so long from buying baby clothes, but this week the flood gates opened. Be still my heart.


Little Me Footie & Hat via Nordstrom



Lastly, I'm super excited for the Cannon sisters to be reunited this weekend after 2 months (!!) as Christine will be home from school for my cousin Veronica's wedding on Saturday (!!). So excited to celebrate with everyone!


What's going on with you on this Thursday?

Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (
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