We're at the hump! I for one cannot wait for this weekend to hurry up and get here. I am super sleepy and sore from last night's zumba and pilates classes, but luckily, Shaun made a fantastic dinner of whole wheat pizza dough, tangy sauce and fresh mozzarella, which will also be my lunch today.
He's a keeper, that one.
So for today's What About Me Wednesday, I thought I'd address something very important that affects me everyday. My favorite snacks. It's the only way I get from meal to meal and so I'm always trying to change it up. But I must admit...a lot of times, I end up with the same go-to, old faithful eats. And of course, these outline the snacks I reach for when there are not full batches of cupcakes on my countertop. Just sayin'.
Chobani. This is a new one for me and I can't even say that I'm crazy about yogurt. But Chobani has great flavors and is just filling enough to get me over the bridge between lunch and dinner. My favorite flavor? Pineapple!
Babybel cheese. I usually enjoy this for a mid-morning snack, or when I first arrive at the office. Though not super filling, who can turn down a wedge of cheese? Not this girl.
Fruit. I always have a full bowl of fruit at home. My go-tos are bananas, apples and pears, which are currently in season. I also love clementines, berries, cherries and grapes if you can get 'em on the cheap. Typically, I try to eat a minimum of 2 pieces of fruit each day. And when I don't, I feel it.
Peanut butter. On a spoon. Pretty self-explanatory and gets the job done, every time.
Sliced apple with peanut butter. It doesn't get better than a 3rd grade favorite. This is for when I really need something in my tum and a mere apple just isn't cutting it.
Granola bars. I like the homemade variety.
Nuts. I love a handful of nuts, be it almonds, pistachios, cashews, peanuts. The key for me is salt though, however unhealthy it may be. Give me plain almonds and I will NOT be a happy camper.
Laughing Cow on a Sandwich Thin. Toast up an Arnold's sandwich thin. Spread with Laughing Cow Blue Cheese. Drizzle with honey. Tell me you hate it.
Crackers & hummus and/or cheese. I have severe problems with this because I could eat it all.the.time. No joke. Sometimes, if Shaun isn't home for dinner, I will simply have this as my dinner. My go-to crackers is Keebler Club Multi-Grain. These are the best crackers I've found to date and I've been known to go overboard on them.
I think that just about covers it all. While most of these snacks are pretty healthy, please don't judge me for my cracker obsession :) It's my little splurge! What are your go-to snacks? From the unhealthy to the healthy?