My New Notebook + How I Keep Track of Things
January 12, 2011
Rachel in At Home, Shaun & Rachel, organization

The other night I had zumba and pilates class at our gym, which is literally down the hall (which I love) though it didn’t end until 9 (which I hate). So that meant Shaun was on dinner duty (which I also love). Using some leftover lump crab meat from our Jets party on Saturday night, he whipped up some delicious crab cakes with a creamy cocktail sauce on the side! Where does he get these wonderful skills? I wanted to share this yesterday but didn’t get the photo uploaded in time. It was so yummy so I obviously could not let it pass by without sharing :)

So though I’m not necessarily down with starting a new year, a new year means I get to start a new notebook! Nerd alert!

I purchased 2 pink moleskin notebooks a couple of years ago and only recently started filling them up. I absolutely love new notebooks and all things paper in general (Shaun says I should have worked for Dunder-Mifflin).

I keep many things in here. To do lists, grocery lists, apartment furnishing ideas, new blogs and websites to check out, you name it. Most of my life is housed in those pages since I love having one go-to spot for everything. I’m constantly jotting down thoughts, especially about the blog and article ideas. I keep it with me all the time and find that I’m so much more useful in daily life when I have this little friend to keep me company. Some other things you might find in there? My list of The Little Things, party menus, my name doodled in fun ways...I cannot wait to break into the new one and start filling it up with ideas and personal organization!

The rest of my life? It’s housed in my Google calendar. Ah the Google calendar. It’s a borderline obsession. I love that I can color code different calendars and fill it in accordingly. I have one for my own stuff and reminders to myself. Here's a peak from a week in Sept/Oct:

One for Shaun’s things just so I can remember if he has drinks planned with friends or is scheduled to go to a client dinner or bachelor party. I also have a ‘humistons’ calendar which I am trying desperately to get Shaun to look at. So that way before he signs up for things - or signs us up for things - he can easily check the calendar. I also have a Giants/Jets calendar (royal blue and green respectively), a weather tracker, a {real} work calendar and a holiday calendar. Lastly, I have The Avid Appetite editorial calendar where I try to plan at least a week in advance what I’m going to be writing about. Sometimes things do change, though, if I’m just dying to tell you guys about something in particular! So that means I effectively have 8 color coded calendars on Google. But I like to think I’m fairly organized at least :) My hope is to eventually whittle down my-Shaun-Humistons calendar into one, but it may be a pipe dream.

So that's how I try my best to keep my life - and all of its moving parts - together. It's not a perfect system, but it's working for me right now! How do you keep yourself organized?

Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (
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