Turkey Day Wrap Up
November 30, 2009
Rachel in fall eats, thanksgiving

The dreaded Monday morning after a 4 day weekend of stuffing my piehole full of turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin (my favorite foods of the holiday), and I must admit, I'm struggling today. After 2 Thanksgivings (one with my family, one with Shaun's), a trip to visit family friends in Connecticut, and a day at Giants Stadium watching the Jets clinch it over the Panthers (let's just pretend Thursday's Giants massacre didn't happen), is there anything worse than having to get back into the regular routine?

The ban on Christmas movies and music has been lifted and I'm already plotting my holiday baking and tree trimming, yet the Turkey Day recovery is still a rough one. So my question to all of you wonderful readers is this: How do you get through the holiday withdrawal? Please leave some love and suggestions in comments to help me get through! Meanwhile, here's a glimpse of some of my holiday fun...

Making friends with my cousin's new puppy, Kaci

 A bird crisped to perfection
 The traditional turkey-shaped butter...awaiting the guillotine, aka cousin Matt's butter knife

My mom making her amazing turkey gravy

A well-balanced Thanksgiving dinner...one of the best ever! 

Trying to ignite the chocolate fountain for dessert...yup there were dippers like fruit & pretzels...

My sisters, cousin and me

And after all of that turkey...

Post-Thanksgiving Jets game

Yeah, we have good seats

So there you have it. A quickie on my Thanksgiving and now you can see why depression has set in now that it's over. Looking forward to hearing your tips on dealing with withdrawal!

*Don't forget to check out Robin Hood, the wonderful organization helping to bring holiday meals to the hungry

Article originally appeared on The Avid Appetite (http://theavidappetite.squarespace.com/).
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